Tag Archives: New Zealand

I’m Back… And Going to Vegas

If you ever have a chance to be in a gay parade, do it.

If you ever have a chance to be in a gay parade, do it.

Hello. I’m Stateside again, got back last Friday and have spent this week trying to keep my eyes open at work.

I had a fantastic trip – not quite as crazy as the traveling I did a few years ago – but saw some great sights, met a lot of wonderful people from all over, and heard enough Mraz wafting through shop doors and passing cars to keep me tied to reality.

I had two weeks in New Zealand and then four days in Sydney, just enough time to see some friends and participate in the Mardi Gras parade there. It was crazy, but tons of fun. The men were all gorgeous, and even though they were only checking each other out, my friends and I had a blast just dancing around and enjoying all the positive energy. 

While I was away I saw the comments about “I’m Yours” being used in a commercial, and sure enough, over the weekend as I lounged around and caught up on episodes of “Lost” and “Heroes” and “Chuck” I heard it at least a dozen times. It’s weird, but I support anything that makes Jason a little money and gives him enough cred with the record company types who decide how much freedom he’ll have on his next projects. Keep the money men happy and I’m sure you wind up with a lot more independence and room to play.

I bought a ticket for the May 9th Jason Mraz-James Morrison show in Vegasand I’m really excited. Feeling a little guilty about spending money that I should be saving, but we got bonus checks yesterday, and while they aren’t anywhere close to AIG figures, it gives me a little bit to play with. I still have to book my hotel and flights, but I’m hoping another friend or two will decide to come along with me.

Viva Las Vegas,

Mraz Love from Wellington

Hi Guys,

It finally happened. The other day I was in Taupo, which is sort of in the middle of New Zealand’s North Island, and I popped into an information center for a map. As I was scanning a wall of brochures, I heard faint notes coming from a radio behind the counter and then caught, “I won’t he-si-tate, no more, no more…”

Jason is in New Zealand! Not that I really thought he was unknown here or anything, but I hadn’t heard anything of his in a week, so I was starting to wonder.

Today I’m in Wellington and was passing by a CD store, and on a whim I went in to see if I could find WSWDWST. Not only did I find it, it was at the top of a rack of “Highly Recommended” artists. Very exciting.

I left the CD store and was walking back to my hostel, and as I passed this pub “I’m Yours” started playing. It was a lucky day all around.

Mraz is love, and he is everywhere.

(P.S. – I saw Ben’s note about Mraz and Morrison playing Vegas together. That’s a pairing I would love to see, so if anyone winds up with an extra ticket, please let me know.)

Catch Me in New Zealand

Hi guys! I see some chatter has been going on while I’m away. Glad to see all the activity.

If you want to keep up with what I’m doing, check out my non-Mraz blog: travelcuts.wordpress.com

Hope everyone is well!


New Year, New International Tour?

I almost did it, you guys. I came so close.

When Jason’s European tour dates were announced I was looking at maps, thinking about which tickets to buy, telling myself that a 2009 International Friends and Family Tour through England, Germany, France and Spain was just the logical next step from my 2008 domestic tour.

But then I thought about all the other things I could do with the time and money, and I considered how cold and gross it will be in March, and I came to my senses.

Sydney Opera HouseSo I’m going to New Zealand and Australia instead :) It’s summer there.

This trip is not Mraz related in any way, it’s just an opportunity that came up when a friend offered me a free plane ticket. I have a friend in Christchurch I haven’t seen in almost ten years and several friends in Sydney from when I was going to school there, so it is a Friends Tour, but without the music this time.

So, if anybody has tips for having a good time in Auckland in late February/early March, let me know. I’ll be in Sydney in time for Mardi Gras, so I’ve got that city covered.

I gotta leave town, Mr. Nally,